Associate Professor
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
Postdoc in the AMPLab at UC Berkeley (2015)
Ph.D. at THU (2013), B.Sc. at HIT (2008)
Research Areas: Database Systems, Big Data Science
Open Positions: If you are an SFU undergraduate student and would like to work with me on DataPrep, please email me your resume and transcript with a short statement of research interests.
My lab is part of the SFU Data Science Research Group. Our mission is to speed up data science. We develop innovative technologies and open-source tools for data scientists such that they can turn raw data into actionable insights in a more efficient manner. I recently won an IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award (2018) and a CS-Can|Info-Can Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award (2020).
I am a General Co-chair for VLDB 2023, an Associate Editor for VLDB 2021, and an Associate Editor of Data Science of Frontiers in Big Data (2021 - now). I am the director of the SFU CS Professional Master's Program (2019 - now). Our vision is to train the next generation of technical global leaders in strategically important areas of society. I am also a founding editor-in-chief of the SFU Big Data Science Publication, which has now become one of the most popular Data Science publications on Medium.